Partners & Supporters
As a community-led network of groups and organisations, we rely heavily on the generosity of individuals and partners to support the work and services Neighbourhood Support provides in our communities.
Thank you to the following partners for being national champions of Neighbourhood Support:

A special thank you to the following funders and donors.
Without your support our work in connecting communities would not be possible:
Additionally, we want to thank the following business and organisations who generously support and sponsor the annual Neighbourhood Support Conference:
Neighbourhood Support encourages our members across the country to be active participants in their local community. We are proud to have Fire and Emergency Volunteers as part of our ever-growing whānau.

He aha te mea nui o te ao
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people.
Senior Constable Bryan Ward
Senior Constable Bryan is a Community Constable in the Rodney area and has been an officer in the New Zealand Police for over 25 years. He is best known as the human half of children's educational entertainment duo Bryan and Bobby.
Bryan and his furry partner, Bobby, visit schools to teach children how to stay safe and embody respect and good values in all aspects of their lives so they can grow up to be great people within our community.
With a shared vision to make our neighbourhoods safer more caring places to live, Bryan is a passionate ambassador for Neighbourhood Support New Zealand.
In July 2019 he MC'd the Neighbourhood Support New Zealand National Conference - 'CONNECT' as well as our 2021 National Conference 'GROW' in Wellington. He has also collaborated on other Neighbourhood Support events and initiatives.