Neighbourhood Support North Shore
10 Bayview Road, Browns Bay, North Shore 0630
We work alongside NZ Police, Auckland Council, FENZ Fire & Emergency New Zealand & Auckland Emergency Management CD to create safe and caring neighbourhoods and communities, reducing the incidents and effects of crime, building community resilience and strengthening community networks to improve the quality of life and enhance well-being.
It’s FREE to join.
A well-connected community helps to improve the safety, resilience and well-being of all residents. When you join you will:
Have a great way to get to know the people that live around you.
Know who the vulnerable people are in your street in the event of any kind of emergency.
Receive emails and alerts that will keep you up-to-date with news from our community partners, including NZ Police.
Gain tips and resources to improve your household and neighbourhood safety.
Learn how you can be better prepared for emergencies.
By working together we can support each other, solve local issues and make our neighbourhoods safer and more welcoming.
Be a part of a sustainable network that provides resources and support.
Your information is safe with us and is held as required under the privacy act.
Meet the Team
Taylor Lake
Coordinator for North Shore
Thank you to our Sponsors + Partners...
"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men."
Herman Melville