Masterton District Council
027 333 2137
Masterton District Council 27 Lincoln Road, Masterton, New Zealand

Neighbourhood Support
Hapori Tautoko
Neighbourhood Support is a nationwide community-led movement that brings people and neighbourhoods together to create safe, resilient, and connected communities. Neighbourhood Support is made up of a network of community organisations that currently support over 200,000 households across the country. It is free to join and by registering you will:
Have a great way to get to know the people that live around you.
Receive emails and alerts that will keep you up-to-date with news from our community partners, including NZ Police.
Gain tips and resources to improve your household and neighbourhood safety.
Learn how you can be better prepared for emergencies.
If you're interested in finding out more about Neighbourhood Support Masterton you can:
Register online
Follow the Facebook page
Email Cathy Cameron at cathyc@mstn.govt.nz
Please get in touch if you would like to become a WEconnect volunteer or Driving Mentor Volunteer.
Meet the Team
Thank you to our Sponsors + Partners...

"Dear Cathy, I am forever grateful for the love and guidance you have provided to me. I am having a hard time putting my gratitude into words, but I hope you know how much I appreciate your help."
Salila - WEconnect participant